This window displays a table of statewide summaries of the results of the atlas.
Summaries are given for the hexagons
and for the squares, where the data is available.
The columns of data are:
hex - the hexagon number
hrs - the total number of hours of time spent by observers in the
hexagon or square
ppl - the number of observers reporting observations for the hexagon or
yrs - the number of years for which observations were reported. The
atlas spanned a period of five years. This figure is not available for the squares.
spc - the total number of species observed in the hexagon or square.
con - the total number of species for which observations confirmed
breeding activity in the hexagon or square.
pro - the total number of species for which observations showed possible
breeding activity in the hexagon or square.
pos - the total number of species for which observations showed probable
breeding activity in the hexagon or square.